
Alt Text Cross Country Home Services Rest API

Web Services supporting Claim authorization
POST /api/v1/authorization/authorize/maintenance/authorize Authorizes Warranty Claim
POST /api/v1/authorization/authorize/maintenance Authorizes Maintenance Claims
POST /api/v1/authorization/changeItem Changes the customer reported claim item to the service partners diagnosed item
POST /api/v1/authorization/validate/coverage Performs coverage check on the estimate lines
GET /api/v1/authorization/jobs/
Gets job list for the vendor site ID
POST /api/v1/authorization/note Adds a Timx note for the supplied job number
POST /api/v1/authorization/validate/recall Gets recall warranty information
POST /api/v1/authorization/diagnosis Stores diagnostic information which includes diagnostic item, reason code, and fail code
POST /api/v1/authorization/diagnosis/cost Stores diagnostic cost information which includes parts, tax, and labor
POST /api/v1/authorization/scenario Derives the scenario from the parts, labor, and other charge lines
POST /api/v1/authorization/validate/claim Performs business rule validations before a claim may be submitted for authorization
POST /api/v1/authorization/validate/claimItem Performs business rule validations on claim items before a claim may be submitted for authorization
POST /api/v1/authorization/validate/maintenance Performs business rule validations on maintenance claim items before a claim may be submitted for authorization
POST /api/v1/authorization/validate/price Performs price validation on the CCHS recommended scenario
GET /api/v1/authorization/recall/authorization/
Performs business rule validations for a recall claim before it can be submitted for authorization
POST /api/v1/authorization/validate/installBase Verifies the install base and saves the claim items as extended attributes
GET /api/v1/authorization/claim/
Returns all claim information given the job number and vendor site ID
GET /api/v1/authorization/claim/
Returns all claim information given the work assignment ID
GET /api/v1/authorization/maintenance/authorization/
Returns all maintenance claim information for the CCHS recommended scenario
GET /api/v1/authorization/claim/authorization/
Returns all warranty claim information for the CCHS recommended scenario
Web Services supporting Claim submission
POST /api/v1/claim Submits a list of claims to the TIMX system
POST /api/v1/claim/appointment Submits an appointment date for a claim
GET /api/v1/claim/smart/info/ Returns claim information for SmartThings
POST /api/v1/claim/smart/info Updates a claim for SmartThings
Web Services supporting contracts
GET /api/v1/contracts Gets contract information based on contract number, zip code, last name, address number, and days passed expiration date
GET /api/v1/contracts/summary/
Gets summarized contract information based on the primary key of the contract record and location ID of the claim
POST /api/v1/contracts/reo/page Inserts page attributes from
POST /api/v1/contracts/reo/search Inserts contract search terms from the contract search page
GET /api/v1/contracts/autorenew/
Auto renews a contract based on the contract number
GET /api/v1/contracts/standarditem/
Gets standard items covered under the contract based on the product ID
GET /api/v1/contracts/addeditem/
Gets added items on a contract from the primary key of the contract record
GET /api/v1/contracts/coverage/
Returns coverage data based on the primary key of the contract record
GET /api/v1/contracts/workorder/
Returns data required to build a work order in PDF format
GET /api/v1/contracts/workorder/checklist/
Returns check list data required for the maintenance work order
GET /api/v1/contracts/premium/text/
Returns coverage summary text
POST /api/v1/contracts/enrollment/sears Enrolls a customer in the TIMX system for a SEARS warranty
POST /api/v1/contracts/enrollment/smart Enrolls a customer in the TIMX system for a SmartThings warranty
Web Services for sending email
POST /api/v1/email Sends email using Apache Commons Library
POST /api/v1/email/appliancebuyline Sends confirmation email after appliance buyline contract authentication
Web services supporting the Express Service Portal –
GET /api/v1/esp/claims/{vendorsiteid} Returns a list of ESP search objects based on vendor site ID and other search parameters
GET /api/v1/esp/claims/{vendorsiteid} Returns an ESP search results object which contains a list of ESP search objects and information relating to pagination
POST /api/v1/esp/search Inserts ESP claim information for the service partner
POST /api/v1/esp/detail Updates the claim detail record for the service partner
POST /api/v1/esp/create Creates the claim for the service partner
POST /api/v1/esp/refresh Refreshes the active page for a vendor site ID and job number combination
GET /api/v1/esp/active/
Checks to ensure the job number and the vendor site ID are in the active status
GET /api/v1/esp/archive/
Checks to ensure the job number and the vendor site ID are in the archive status
GET /api/v1/esp/active/display/
Updates the archive list display_flag to ‘Y’ if previously removed from the list
GET /api/v1/esp/invoice/line Returns a list of invoiced line items for the workAsgnGenSeq value
POST /api/v1/esp/invoice/line/
Populates the invoiced lines for an invoice submitted through ESP
Web services supporting inventory items
POST /api/v1/inventory/part Returns inventory part information for the part number and associated install base attributes
POST /api/v1/inventory/researchrequest Creates a research request
POST /api/v1/inventory/purchaseorder Sends a purchase order to the distributor
Web services supporting invoicing
POST /api/v1/invoice/corporate Submits a corporate invoice to the Gateway process
POST /api/v1/invoice/servicepartner Submits a service partner invoice to the Gateway process
POST /api/v1/invoice/claim/summary Summarizes claim information for invoicing on the web
POST /api/v1/invoice/claim/potential Calculates claim invoice potential value
POST /api/v1/invoice/claim/credit/money Calculates the spent money on an invoice which contains a claim credit
GET /api/v1/invoice/claim/voucher/
Calculates the vouchered amount for a work assignment and a vendor site ID
GET /api/v1/invoice/claim/match/
Determines if invoice matching is complete for work_asgn_gen_seq and vendor site ID
GET /api/v1/invoice/check/
Returns list of check numbers and check dates
GET /api/v1/invoice/check/vendor/
Returns a list of check numbers and check dates for an invoice number and segment 1
GET /api/v1/invoice/line/
Returns a list of invoice distribution lines
Web services supporting database login
GET /api/v1/login/ Authenticate ESP user based on user name and password
Web services supporting direct to consumer marketing
POST /api/v1/marketing/requestforquote Saves the form fields coming from RequestForQuote pages
POST /api/v1/marketing/reservation Saves the data from the reservation code and zip code request pages on
POST /api/v1/marketing/customer/reservation Looks up a customer property information from a preload file containing reservation codes
GET /api/v1/marketing/product/state/
Populates the product upsell page and billing page with product plan information
GET /api/v1/marketing/product/zip/
Populates the upsell page and billing page with product plan information
POST /api/v1/marketing/product/tax Returns enrollment tax rates based on the zip code and product ID
POST /api/v1/marketing/product/tax/enroll Saves RequestForTax information
GET /api/v1/marketing/telemarketing/tollfree Populates the telemarketing user interface
GET /api/v1/marketing/tollfree/cellcode/
Populates the 800 number in the billing page
GET /api/v1/marketing/state/zip/
Gets a state by zip code
POST /api/v1/marketing/cellcode Gets the cellcode from the telemarketing entry and then used to save cellcode when is used
POST /api/v1/marketing/telemarketing Saves TelemarketingEntry information
GET /api/v1/marketing/product/client/
Gets a product plan list by cellcode, zip code, and clientID
Web services supporting purchase orders
GET /api/v1/po/lennox/
Returns the purchase order based on the job number
POST /api/v1/po/lennox/confirmation Confirms purchase order information sent from Lennox
Web services supporting products
GET /api/v1/product/itemAttribute/
Returns item attributes and associated domain values for a categoryID
GET /api/v1/product/part/
Returns a part listing for a claim item specified by categoryID
Web services supporting Search
GET /api/v1/query/vendor Returns a list of vendors from the wild card vendorName
GET /api/v1/query/site Returns a list of Vendor Sites from a wild card siteName
GET /api/v1/query/invoice/coa/
Returns a list of Charts of Account information
Web services supporting Reports
GET /api/v1/report/contract/approved/
Gets all completed claim information and does not include canceled items
GET /api/v1/report/contract/autorenew Determines if AutoRenew is permitted
GET /api/v1/report/workorder/
Generates Work Order report
GET /api/v1/report/contract/negativeoption/
Returns the NegativeOption values on the contract
Web services supporting Sears and GE scheduling
GET /api/v1/sears/merchandise/
Returns the Sears merchandise code based on the category ID
GET /api/v1/sears/deductible/
Returns the Sears deductible for the claim item
POST /api/v1/sears/serviceorder Returns the third party ID required for Sears internal processing
GET /api/v1/sears/appointment/
Returns the Sears appointment data based on work_asgn_sr_gen_seq
POST /api/v1/sears/appointment Schedules a TIMX appointment with Sears information
POST /api/v1/sears/appointment/cancel Cancels a TIMX appointment with Sears information
POST /api/v1/sears/log Logs request and response XML activity to Sears
GET /api/v1/sears/appointment/ge/
Returns the GE appointment data based on work_asgn_sr_gen_seq
POST /api/v1/sears/appointment/ge Schedules a TIMX appointment with GE information
POST /api/v1/sears/appointment/ge/cancel Cancels a TIMX appointment with GE information
POST /api/v1/sears/log/ge Logs request and response XML activity to GE
GET /api/v1/sears/contractnumber/
Returns the Sears contract number
Web services supporting API user look up and maintenance
GET /api/v1/user Returns API user information
GET /api/v1/user/vendorsiteid/
Returns the API user based on vendor site ID
GET /api/v1/user/email/
Returns the API user information based on email address
POST /api/v1/user/
Updates API user information
POST /api/v1/user Inserts a new API user
GET /api/v1/user/admin Returns User Admin information for use on the admin page
Web services supporting vendor and vendor site information.
GET /api/v1/vendor/
Returns a Vendor based on vendor_ID
GET /api/v1/vendor/segment1/
Returns a Vendor based on vendor_ID
GET /api/v1/vendor/
Returns a Vendor and all vendor sites based on vendorID
GET /api/v1/vendor/site/
Returns a VendorSite based on vendor_site_id
GET /api/v1/vendor/site/
Returns all the vendor site IDs that have certain roles assigned
GET /api/v1/vendor/site/fax/
Returns vendor information based on a fax number